Femy O.A


Qualification:M.Com; N.E.T., JRF

Brief profile:

Assistant Professor has been teaching in the Department since 2012. She has completed M.Com from Christ College, Irinjalakuda with First Rank. She has 7 years of teaching experience. she has attended National Seminars and presented paper



Paper presentation at National Seminars

  1. E-tailing in India – an overview” the Directorate of Collegiate Education ,Government of Kerala sponsored National Seminar on Global Business in Emerging Markets , Organised by P.G Department of Commerce and Management Studies , Sri C Achutha Menon Government College ,Thrissur,Kerala on 15th and 16th December 2014

Minor Research Project:  U.G.C funded Minor Research Project (2016-18) A Study on the Emotional Intelligence of Service Providers on Tourist Satisfaction – with special reference to Kerala

Positions Held

  1. Fine Atrs Co-ordinator- (2013-2014)
  2. Coordinator –Career guidance
  3. Secretary- Staff Club
  4. External examiner for project evaluation and Viva-Voce B.Com/BBa conducted by University of Calicut.

Contact Details

Office: 04885 222477

email: femyoa1986@gmail.com

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